Montessori Powered Children
Happy, Intellectual, Powerful and Future Ready Children
Happy, Intellectual, Powerful and Future Ready Children
Childhood - This supreme period of unbounding pleasantness have to be experienced by every child without sacrificing even a fraction of a second from its entirety. This childhood phase of a human should be duly respected and its values revered for the formation of a society that will be selfless and understanding every fellow being in this world.
Is childhood respected and children given importance on the basis of their needs and independence? Are modern day schools of our country encouraging the concept of child independence intellectually and physically?
In most of the schools, children are treated in a very deplorable way relegating them to beings lower than the humans. This is only because they are not aware of the potential of a child that is in reality a powerhouse of talents, if nurtured properly is capable of rewriting the destinies of many. Recognising the might of a human potential, understanding it and nurturing it by providing children the joy of learning, Gardenia stands tall in empowering children with the greatest of abilities to develop themselves as popular personalities.
The perseverance and the capability to preserve the absorbent mind in the early primary stage, the guidance of the formation of the concrete mind, the gradual transition to the reasoning mind through exploratory learning in the elementary phase and the experiential learning through the adolescence helps Gardenia create strong individuals with firm fundamentals and the urge to confront more challenges.
As the focus stays concentrated only on the study part and other diversions are totally negated at the farm environment, the turbulent adolescent period also is taken care by nature itself. It provides various ways and outlets which serenely helps the children in crossing the most difficult storm in anybody’s life. As they have an experiential learning that is preceded by the exploratory learning which is backed by the concrete understanding of the tender young age, the children in Montessori Method transform into powerful individuals of brilliance in all dimensions of life across the globe.
The child is a blemish less personification pf a human in all its innocence and simplicity combined with the abundance of knowledge that is the sublime powerhouse of potential that is exhibited as an unlimited flow of intelligence unparalleled by any thinking of the adult community.
The true potential of a human is manifested in childhood when intellectual independence and freedom of movement are given the deserved importance and nurtured along the same lines.
Comprehrnsion of the absorbent mind in combination with concrete learning, will unravel many of the mysteries associated with a child's life to the parents as well as others.
Instead of instructions or commands, the child should be assisted in self construction of vital activities that makes up the everyday life of an individual. This effort also brings in the sense of responsibility at a very young age which becomes the psychological spine behind the development of the child.
Unfolding of a human potential itself is an art that is spontaneously performed by children if they are not interrupted with imposed obstacles like writing assignments irrelevant to their needs, memorizing textbooks or taking tuitions etc. The Montessori method very clearly and concisely eleminates these disadvantages replacing them with innovative and interesting activities that not only helps in the unfolding of the human potential to its maximum capabilities but also transforms it into a channel of that encourages self-construction of an individual.
As already stated, the childhood phase of a human is one of abounding happiness that seldom decreases and only keeps on increasing with the discovery of new horizons of development.
This joy should continue unabated even through the learning phase in which the major portion happens at a place away from home. The existing schools of today are a place for everything other than the inert source of joy. The very fragrance of childhood loses its charm and reputation as it is buried under the mounds of curriculum and assignments that falls well short of making a child an efficient individual in handling challenges of real life.
Children of the Montessori Powered Gardenia, with their intellectual independence and freedom under no threat in any form, build themselves into individuals who embrace the nuances of learning through concrete materials that gradually empowers thinking that forays into areas of knowledge which does not require the guidance of learning materials any further.
As this learning happens with the child understanding everything with the connectivity to the real world in which they exist. The feeling of elation on discovering something new everyday, is one that has no that is uncontrollable and everlasting spurring them on perform more appreciable tasks as the 'Learning with Joy' spirit stays alive.
The foundation of the building is the source of strength on which it is constructed. Similarly the Montessori principles followed at Gardenia makes children strong in the fundamentals which is taught through concrete learning as the curriculum of their initial primary education.
This is further enhanced with the reasoning mind setting in, in the elementary phase which is aided by the exploratory learning culminating with reasoning mind and experiential learning in the secondary phase at the land laboratories.
The in depth knowledge of the fundamentals hones their academic skills to perfection as they move on to advanced learning of subjects in the subsequent progress of their learning career.
The imparting of strong fundamentals is not limited to the academic arena alone but also develops the multidimensional growth.
Laying of a unshakable foundation with the building of strong fundamentals is the most prioritized task in the Montessori stream which makes the creation of a society that universally reaches to others as well.
With the individual independence intact both physically and intellectually and with strong fundamentals under their dominion the children of Gardenia are well equipped to dominate the world with sheer academic brilliance and mastery of handling challenges on everyday basis.
As the children traverse the primary, elementary and secondary education phases the transformation of their thinking into various forms makes them confident recipients of in-depth knowledge of subjects. As all the subjects are learnt with the comprehension of its interconnectedness with real encounters of the living world, the understand of the subject is never short of a complete picture.
The complete understanding of subjects also helps them in the logical progression of their lives when they have to take decisions or committ themselves into something more challenging. The understanding of subjects never stops but stays with them even after curtains come down on the learning career.
There are situations in life which take the place of subjects for us to learn, analyse, contemplate and make our decisions which is only on account of the acquired knowledge arising out of completeness in learning that is the hallmark of Gardenia.
The adolescent period of one's life is the one that is filled with chilling nightmares and worst of turbulences that is capable of creating unsurmountable confusion that most of the time ends messily and unpleasantly if not channelized properly in the right direction.
One must understand that the most stormier phase of a human life, the adolescence, can easily be calmed down if one had the confidence of committing the life of children to the ultimate care of nature in its serene surroundings that offer them a valley of activities that never deviates them from the path of performance to achieve perfection in all their endeavours.
At Gardenia, the adolescent period passes off like a gentle breeze that caresses us with healthy chillness of various constituents of nature, making children ardent nature lovers as well as scholars amassing accolades with universal recognition.
As the Montessori Powered school injects the work and study plan into the curriculum prescribed, the experiential mind of children blended with the natural setting of the farm environment helps in the acceleration of learning process thereby creating thorough professionals in the making.
How can one define a Fully Prepared Human? What are the characteristics of such a person? What are the qualities that will be measured to address an individual as 'fully prepared'?
A fully prepared human is a man who is complete in all respects.An individual's excellence in academics, his intelligence in dealing with the ordeals of everyday happenings, his benevolence in behaving with other beings and his exuberance of nobility in all his engagement makes him a complete, dynamic and fully prepared individual with commanding naturr to lead the world.
The Montessori way of life helps children in their holistic growth that is of prime importance in the grooming of a fully prepared human. As the children's growth in the Montessori stream of learning is multidimensional, all aspects of living is given to learn with an understanding of interconnectivity with all other creations in nature.
A fully prepared human in simple terms can be equated to a child of Montessori trait who will be a embodiment of talents and potential embedded in a tiny body frame waiting to grow into gigantic proportions with every passing year of development.