The focus of the teachers and parents were more on the examination than on providing real world connectivity through learning. The end result is children face numerous difficulties in learning as they are ignorant of the concepts, otherwise understanding them would have made their learning more joyful.
These problems are grossly ignored by parents as they stop with putting the child into so called good schools or best tuitions. As these learning difficulties are ignored over generations and passed over from adult to children through generation without really attempting to solve it. Children are motivated to score marks without real understanding of subject. This very much draws parallel to earning money through improper means without appropriate effort. Finally we make them incapable to adopt to a righteous life.
If these difficulties are left unattended, they culminate later as different problems of human as seen in society today.
The Montessori Method is based on concrete learning and has many connections to real-world situations where the learning can be applied and enjoyed by the child. This helps the child overcome these learning difficulties and while the potential of the child unfolds faultlessly and is unceasing.