The moments that we had read previously could not materialize at those times was only because there was something that was driving everyone to complete things in within a specific time. Today, looking back at those times we realise that we had to get accustomed to the TIME TABLE of the school, a rigid framework of studying subjects within a stipulated period. As discipline and punctuality were the watchwords in most of the schools, strict adherence to the time table was the important task imposed on the students in the pretext of instilling good living values. But do time tables at school really help children in effective learning? Is the time allocated for each subject enough for students with different IQs to comprehend what they listen to or read? What is the modus operandi that is followed in preparing time tables? Is the holistic development of children taken into account when these time tables are initiated into the study stream?
The existence of a TIME TABLE which dictated the tasks to be done on each day and for how long is a culture that starts at school and slowly takes over the complete life everywhere. Nevertheless, the existence of time tables help us in being punctual and that is the reason why everything around us is controlled by a table of hours and minutes such as the transport system, cinema halls etc. As time is a virtual priceless commodity one cannot afford to lose for the simple reason that it cannot be gained once lost.