Montessori Blogs
Gardenia Schools takes immense pleasure in presenting its first Montessori Workshop for Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers. Hands-on activities will be introduced for Ages 1-2 to develop their motor skills and sensorial abilities, and for Ages 2-4 to enhance their fine-motor and pre-writing skills. Dear parents, this is an opportunity for you to experience the Montessori Environment and witness the magic for yourself.
Do not miss this chance to connect with the Montessori Community and help your child develop holistically. Takeaway handouts will be provided, offering guidance on purposeful engagement with your child at home.
It's a question every parent asks at some point. If you're reading this blog post, chances are you're a parent contemplating when to enroll your child in a Montessori school. Like many parents, you may be wondering, "When is the right time for my child to go to school?" When it comes to our children, timing can be everything. Especially in Montessori education, understanding the right moment to introduce our little ones to school is vital. Why? the answer becomes beautifully aligned with nature's own timing – the concept of Sensitive Periods.
Maria Montessori, the pioneer behind the Montessori method, observed that children go through specific periods where they are especially attuned to learning certain skills.
The journey of writing of a child in the Montessori method of education is a very interesting one. The urge to write births from an inner natural urge of the child and when that happens, the child literally “explodes” into writing.
What a momentous, joyous occasion of synthesis of many elements, and that occasion is worthy of celebration.