To take away the fear of examination from children, the teachers should make them understand that presentation is the synonym for examination. Looking at an approaching examination as a mere presentation of facts is one way of instilling confidence in children to make it look very ordinary and nothing extravagant. Inculcating the habit of learning with understanding is the job of prime importance to the teacher. Mock presentations can be conducted as rehearsals for the examinations where children will learn to remember the answers required or practical demonstrations can also be done to remember the concepts and experiments.
There are other skills also that is to be followed while preparing for examinations. Understanding the importance of keywords in answers and highlighting them, answering questions on the basis of the values they carry, managing time and writing speed along with articulation are some of the other examination skills which the students are trained in when studying at Gardenia.
As examinations play an important role in the life of everyone it is only wise enough to guide children to face these examinations with joy and treat it as an another adventure in life. When examinations are confronted with ease, the success is a mere formality and the day of the results may just be another ordinary day instead of one with tension and anxiety. The Montessori concept of depicting examinations as a presentation goes a long way in securing the future of children.