8th - 12th Grade Class Rooms are Integrated with Montessori Land Laboratory

These land laboratories are nothing but farms that provide the necessary engagements with nature for children to continue their learning as well as quell the turbulences created by the physical, hormonal and mental development. The entire boards’ curriculum of secondary education is integrated and implemented with the study and work plans initiated in the farm environment.

The children are involved in the construction of barns, making of pathways and waterways, farming, rearing animals, harvest of crops, value addition and in selling them. This makes them economically independent too. The farms do also have Foundries, Mechanical and Electrical workshops, Repair and Maintenance houses, Energy conversion as well as conservation units where children experientially learn most of the concepts related to Science, Math and Environment.

The age of adolescence in children is also the age where numerous turbulences in various forms try to upset the balance of the child’s thinking equilibrium. Human created urban environments have a negative impact on this stage of the child’s life, tempting them with unhealthy and improper desires that is prevented by the retention or confinement of children within the pseudo-sophistication of homes that turn children into a bundle of controversial personalities. Hence handing them over to the care of nature in the farm environment ensures they have a holistic development worthy of appreciation.

It is a fact that the environment is solely responsible for the development of a person into whatever they become and Gardenia ensures that the children who are a part of this secondary farm laboratories are strong both mentally and psychologically as well as well cultured individuals respecting the human values and guarding the goodness of nature
